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Diversity and Teaching Materials

In the classroom, I am passionate about educating about theoretical and experimental works that aid in students' understanding of the social and structural forces that create different lived experiences for individuals with different social identities than themselves.

Inclusive Teaching Practices 

Course content and syllabi can include beliefs or statements that increase marginalized groups' expectations of identity-based mistreatment. Click the button below to view my co-authored work on ways improve expectations of inclusion via syllabi and course materials.







Click the button below for recommendations on how to make your classroom more accessble and inclusive for students with disabilities (co-authored department tip).


Sample Course Assignment

An important part of my teaching involves encouraging perspective-taking and considering how social forces maintain group disparities. As an assignment in my gender course, my students interview someone else with a different gender identity about a concept discussed in class and report on what they learned. Click below for a sample assignment and student response.

Teaching Evaluations from Past Students 

In my most recent course, 100% of students agreed or strongly agreed that I respected the various points of view expressed by my students and that I utilized inclusive course materials and assignments (i.e., materials that that recognized human diversity-- including but not limited to race/ethnicity, culture, gender, sexual orientation).

She “encouraged my intellectual growth and progress by allowing me to look into more issues around me. I think the growth of awareness is now what allows me to see things clearer.”

“I felt that Professor Cipollina created a healthy and comfortable environment, thanks to her … I felt more willing to openly discuss matters learned in class.”

“Rebecca presented material in a way that encouraged discussion, participation, and welcomed all our thoughts and opinions.”

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